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TEDx Climate Change Product Design

The Ask
Build an action first brand and movement that captures the hearts and minds of 1 billion people to act in combating climate change.

Our Solution
One to Zero is a platform where anyone, anywhere in the world, is empowered to choose a simple action of change based on who and where they are.These actions, designed to change our habits and spark new choices around energy and how we use it, transportation, food, shopping, advocacy at every level, nature, recycling and supporting the green economy culminate into effects that we can see in our communities, and scale up to a global movement. Using data and aggregation, individuals will track the impact of their actions, and see how it all adds up with a billion others on a scale from my zip code, to my planet.

Client - TEDx
My Role - Product Designer
Discipline - UX, UI, Product Concept, Prototyping

Free iPhone 12 Mockup.png
Desktop HD Copy 9.png